

Defined as the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination.

The core of my foundation is centered in creativity. Through written words, photography, ceramics, insights, healing, teaching, Vedic fire, and music, everything I do has roots from that lens. It is something I regularly contemplate.

Freedom from limitations is to think in new ways and be adaptable. Flow and self honoring never been more important than right now. For example, if I didn’t walk my talk and live my purpose I would not be forging a path both for myself and others as a remote medical intuitive and teacher. It requires me to believe and know deeply. Not only that but to do so despite what other people understand about it because it is my reason for being here.

My father was a fine artist and professor of art so creative process was instilled and encouraged in me always. However there are important treasures that favor me now as a result of my efforts. Those are enjoyment and the meditative peace of the process, problem solving, the ability to create beauty for myself or others and the ability to be alone but not lonely and feeling joyful. It helps me to connect with the ageless part of me and transports me back to my authentic self through memories of the essence of my child self.

This lens of creative process is a cross-over skill that can be applied to problem solving, discernment, teaching, sharing, learning, leading, healing and to assist in times of great change. It takes courage to follow a path of being, that inner knowing of your incarnation’s purpose. To trust the process of life with its ups and downs is to be liberated no matter what is happening.

I never give up even if sometimes life can have elements of injustice, loss, distortion, or resistance. Sometimes a Near Death Experience or a loss has to happen to grasp the preciousness of life. The present moment is the only sanctuary where the solution of “being” can create inspiration to live the life of your dreams and transport self to its authentic understanding of its highest manifestation. May all who read this be blessed with courage to follow your deepest life purpose in this moment into whatever the path ahead transforms into!

Pranashakthi 11-16-19

Pranashakthi, the healing that comes through me is such a blessing. Yesterday I helped my mom’s dog Daisy. She’s so sweet. I did not think about it but later realized she had really instant results. She lives in Oregon.

I attended the Holistic Health Saloon and saw about 9 people today. I love meeting people and it surprises me that I understand through knowing deeply just what to do. Yes I have extensive training but it feels good to have an impact on people’s lives even through the mini sessions. I already received two follow up thank you emails. I also saw someone who referred me previously and that referral received excellent test results on an issue that had been at a standstill.

I have been practicing Pranashakthi since 2012. Almost every day and usually more than once is an opportunity to call upon the assistance. It weaves an amazing tapestry of friends both animals and people.

Somehow I have been gifted this good fortune.

I cannot explain how blessed I feel. Results happen with Pranashakthi and there is for some reason so much grace around me. Each time I hear of miraculous results I am always surprised. I meet just who I need to meet and I am surrounded by so much love.

I know deeply this is my calling. Countless sweet encounters. Distance healings to all over the world. This entry is not made from a perspective of pride or any other motive but to just reflect on the blessings!

In 2012 people were not overall ready for this and I was discouraged by someone who was wanting to prevent me from following my heart and blocked me.

I allowed that and I didn’t stick to my truth in an outward way but operated just by word of mouth. It was not wrong but I just have been supported by a new friend who sees me and has pushed me to step up to my potential. I am now because I can make a big difference in people’s lives.

I work at a law firm besides healing. Over the years I have helped many clients of ours. Some do not know I am a healer. One man I helped with his dying father. Legal matters are stressful and people really need light. Even the downtown area is effected by the chanting as I take the elevators. I have assisted two building security men, and co workers.

Today was really an impactful day for me.

I had set up a yagna (sacred fire) in the evening but the people who were coming could not make it. We decided to have it anyway and I sang as well. My friends son who I have known since he was three helped me. We chanted the Hanuman Chalisa afterward. I feel such peace.

Tomorrow I teach two classes. I look forward to showing others what I love. I hope they experience the same joy!


These last 6 months I have been focusing on music, healing and going deeply within. As I sit in silence, in nature, chant and reflect I find deep peace within that I have never known. Music soothes the depths of my being. I am content in my being at my core. The light is just everywhere. I am feeling called to share the clairsentient gifts I have been cultivating within myself in a more intimate way with my word of mouth connections as well as allowing for my reach to expand to more who are called to learn or experience healing from me. Part of my calling is to assist others in mastering their own energetic field. I also feel called to bridge better understanding through example for those not familiar or skeptical of the power of energy healing and knowing. So much is possible to shift but the collective as a whole does not fully grasp this yet due to the lens of scientific, linear, non- miracle accepting mindsets and the conning antics of a few inauthentic faux-mediums who use their insights for their own gain.

May this knowledge reach those who need to hear this. Particularly I want those who are feelers to understand the blessing and gifts of energy sensitivity that can, when without experiential knowledge, feel overwhelming or challenging. It is from my own growth process that I relate this. There were not blogs on such topics as I was growing up as it wasn’t something even considered in the collective yet.

I can, as a result of my life’s path, help compassionate feelers to ground into their own energetic field and discern the subtlety of their environment, social situations or their own wiring. The sum grace of this, is that now I am to impart this subtle embodiment of truth because I have lived through the process. I have helped many people through my distilled summary of many years of my own experiences. To open peoples heart and minds in a more easeful way is one way I am of service.

I find my own core has opened to a steady flow of incoming sacred knowledge that comes through me via healing work I do for people, animals and the earth. Why don’t I share this more is something I just comprehended in my mind when my car lost it’s steering in June and I experienced a near death experience. Without having to live through any damage to my health I was able to get profound insights to my own hesitation to imparting knowledge per some perceptions I had having to do with humility and not wanting to push my views. The teaching I am interested in is for the sake of the whole so that is not an issue. The car is gone but I am safe and blessed with gratitude for my purpose!

My extended trip to India has further expanded my capacity of perception, of bringing together qualities of depth, surrender and to trust and navigate the reliable flow of grace. The extensive pranayama, chanting and havan sadana practices changed my whole being.

In a few weeks I will start offering healing with colored light that I will pair with the infinite dimensional Pranashakthi healing I already do. I will expand on this once I receive the light pen and work within it. I believe this literal “light work” will also work remotely just as effectively as if I am present. I normally work remotely with Pranashakthi the modality I specialize in. I positively feel this color therapy will be transmit-able in the same way I send remote healing for physical and emotional issues. I will test this in the coming weeks.

If anyone has any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.

Bangalore, Coimbatore and Kanyakumari. Now to see Amma in Kerala.

We have ventured on a self-guided yatra after closing down the apartment in the beautiful temple where we lived in Vrindavan. We cooked all meals on our gas stove. I would purchase veggies daily from Radha, or her son if she was not there. We had an extensive Pranayama Sadana and I did lots of Yajna on the roof in the company of monkeys, squirrels and parrots. I also worked on my Devanagari for Sanskrit and Hindi. I am reading and writing but slowly. Time here was also spent absorbing healing knowledge. Several people needed healing on this leg of the trip. I have friends here so some socializing also happened.

We then moved to attend a workshop with Sadguru on Shambhavi. It was two days at a huge event center in Bangalore with 8000 other people. How he manages to attract that many people is impressive. To chant AUM with that many people was so special. Some of class and workshop was recorded previously and there was some time with Sadguru himself. We were quite far. I am taking on this practice twice a day for 40 days. I already have Shambhavi training from my guru for healing but that training from Pranashakthi Mastership is for healing purposes so I will see how this goes.

Inspired by this event and being very close to his ashram in Coimbatore we decided to venture by train there. The Isha Center is beautiful. I spent two days there. There is a Suraya and Chandra Kund, (women bathe in the Chandra Kund), a Bharavi Temple, the huge Adiyogi bust, as well as a meditation hall with Shiva Lingam. On the last day there I wanted to dip in the Chandra Kund and went right before it closed as we were making offerings in the day to each temple. I was the only woman there! That was an inspiring highlight! The tall roof has a magnificent mural. There is a water fall and a Shiva Lingam in the kund. When I went earlier in the day there were many many women.

The next stop was Kanyakumari the Southern-most tip of India where three seas meet and the sun rises and sets in the same place. We took a train and were fortunate to find a booking on the seaside. The cab from the train whose license plate ended in 3333 (meaning angels are present) found us the place. It was only available for 3 nights so we later moved to an even better location outside of the hustle and bustle near the Viveckananda Kendra which was a shanti campus with exhibits, Ekanathji Ranade the Kendra and Viveckananda Memorial’s founder’s memorial Samadi and a private beach. Ekanath enabled the Viveckananda memorial to be built through his persistence and creativity. There was an exhibit on how he achieved this which was amazing! There was a Bose nursery there I am not sure if he had been at the Kendra during his lifetime but he was the soul who found that plants feel pain. I am inspired to read more about him.

The hotel we stayed at was crazy but because of the city being booked we didn’t have a huge choice. The manager was a drinker and the toilet and sink was not connected to running water with no toilet seat. We had to wait for hours to check in even though we came way after check in time. It was a blessing nevertheless to be able to stay. It isn’t everywhere that you can have ripe mangoes in December.

We bathed in the holy waters, watched sunsets and sunrises, went twice to the Amman temple and had a lovely time! I went to an exhibit on the Ramayanaa and was able to read it all. At the end there is a larger than life murti of Matabharata or “Mother India” this moved me almost to tears it was so magnificent!

Gandhi’s ashes were housed in Kanyakumari and there is a memorial there. The spot where his ashes were held lights with the sun on his birthday each year and water never comes through the hole in he ceiling.

I am resting now in the very air conditioned train headed for Amma’s Ashram for New Years Eve! Looking forward to that! More travels to come.


Today is the second day of Navaratri. I woke up early and meditated. It is pouring rain here. I spent the last two hours walking in the rain in meditation and saying my daily mantras.

I have never felt such a deep level of peace. My heart is softened. The gentle breezes are filled with chanting, chirping birds, incense, and earth. I am grateful for every drop of rain, for the adorable street dogs, and the land.

I await a dear friend I haven’t seen for some time in joy.

Time for a nap.

The Value of Small Acts of Kindness

My heart always finds opportunities to serve. One day when I was walking down the street I noticed beautiful flowers all over sidewalk that had fallen from a nearby tree. My guidance told me to pick up one, so I did.  As I entered the train I was told to give it to a young man of 20 or so. I thought to myself this is a little crazy.  As I did the man burst into tears and said that I restored his faith. He had been beaten on the train by three people days before and had finally decided to face his fear of riding caused by the trauma. I was able to hold space for him to process this and to be an example that he needed at that moment. Trusting what I was being guided to do impacted someones life. This cost me nothing and was so powerful.

Once while in India a group of us witnessed a dog stuck in a sewer. The water level had dropped and she was walking on the trash but unable to get out because the walls were too high. We gathered a large crowd and part of the party went to grab a ladder. A young man seeing the situation and knowing that a human’s weight would not hold to step on the trash leaned his body down into the trough with his strong arms as we held him from the side. He was able to grab the dog without getting bit. The image of the dog after she was released of the stress knowing that she wouldn’t have survied otherwise was an incredible sight. She drank water from the side of a building to rehydrate and peered back at us with peaceful relief. I was literally moved to tears to see this.

Today I was going to ship out a few gifts for birthdays. I had boxes for the shipping under my arm and was approached by a man sitting on the sidewalk who asked if I needed them. I was using them so when finished, I went back to the original source and found him a few others. He was using them to sit on to keep warm. Oh how he lit up in surprised joy when I returned.  Again no cost was involved.

These acts are tangible but smaller acts are equally impactful. For example when our hearts are in peace because we meditate, we keep the environment drama free. When we breathe and slow down we give space to the atmosphere.  By going into nature to and feeling that deep healing we instantly create balance that we can later share with others with our clear presence. To be a producer of harmony is simple. Some ways to do this are to radiate joy, to show up for someone who needs you, to listen without having anything to add, to release judgment and offer neutrality, to participate in solutions, to see the good in others, to avoid complaining and be gratful, to open your heart, to smile, to appreciate others’ gifts, to not reflect back another’s anger or frustration, and to exude joy to name a few.

Using positive language that is inspiring is another way to bring light in. For example, if you see someone speaking badly about their own being you can gently point out the power of words to them and reflect back what you see that is more accurate. Authenticity is important when you give words of encouragement because our minds are always on guard for truth. All beings want love and want to know they matter in some way. By maintaining a supportive presence and using words that uplift, it is possible to build a foundation for greatness. Because I am a healer sometimes I can see needs for assistance. A woman at a writing conference I was attending almost had to leave for home because of a severe tooth pain she was experiencing. I knew the energy work I practice could rid her of her pain and lower her anxiety, I have seen it work so many times. She experienced relief immediately and was able to stay for the rest of the conference.

Observing animals is a way of seeing compassion in action. Animals are highly psychic and are very connected to humans. I heal animals and had been working on a dog that was supposed to only live two weeks but had regained his vitality. When Jackson did pass 6 months later I was experiencing grief at the local corner store.  I had just heard from his owners  he had passed to spirit when suddenly I felt the head of a dog resting on my thigh basically giving me a dog hug. When I looked down at her she was literally smiling lovingly at me. I told the owner that she knew of my loss of a canine friend. He agreed that Roo was tuned in. This beautiful girl had Lupus and I was able to do some work on her with my healing.

The best part about having a generous heart is that It inspires others to shine and the love radiates out. What can you do to brighten someones day just because? Can you do something nice unconditionally without being found out? Give it a try. IMG_5271









Pranashakthi Emotional Seed Healing

The night before last I was blessed to learn an expanded form of  Pranashakthi Emotional Seed Healing. It not only helps with stress and with easing the flow of life but it also gets to the root of physical issues restoring the blueprint of to emotional wellness.  Already I have some training in this aspect, however his update is much deeper. One gift I have is sensitivity to energy, its pureness and strength. I love the bliss this healing generates. It is expansive, light and very soothing.

Because we incarnate over and over our lives accumulate past life impressions. In this life we most likely carry aspects of emotional trauma unknowingly imbedded in our emotional being. These appear as blocks, oversensitivity, phobias, irrational reactions, abandonment issues, basically any imbalance. We also carry this life’s stress and hurts as well. These emotions such as fear keep us from fully living.

The process requires 7-11 days of a minimum of a half hour of cleansing and energizing. In eleven days from now I will take a close look at my own results. Today is day three for me though I have only done two sessions. I am feeling uplifted, motivated, cheerful, grounded and peaceful. It works on people, animals, organizations, relationships and even can work on plants or on spaces.

Starting in seven days from now I will be offering this remotely via Skype or Facetime. I want to finish my own process first. With what I have seen when I channel healing is so many issues begin with emotions or stress. I am a Pranashakthi master healer/teacher based out of San Francisco. I work with animals and people everyday in person and  remotely. One thing that can be very effective with is that this helps with resistance that can be subconscious, with addiction issues, heartbreak, depression, motivation, outlook, lack of confidence etc. I can see this helping with things like shyness, victim mentality the hard to break out of emotional viewpoints. This is quicker than years of therapy. I am very much looking forward to seeing what is possible with this.  I can already see is very nourishing.

Some people go to past life regression or have healing for past life issues. This healing can actually work for this as it restores the seed to its origin. I am grateful for happening upon my guru and for all that I have been so far able to learn. Out of all of the classes I have taken which are many, this is one of the strongest I have felt. I am going to infuse this blog to see if it works with just how I am feeling right now after two self-healing sessions. Please comment if you feel it. Such grace is available and I am grateful to be able to work with these energies on behalf of others.

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